M.Sc Public Relations


This course will give you an opportunity to develop an understanding of the strategic management of public relations by analyzing the history and current trends of the profession as well as how the public relations process is carried out through different public relations specializations.


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Course Overview

This course will give you an opportunity to develop an understanding of the strategic management of public relations by analyzing the history and current trends of the profession as well as how the public relations process is carried out through different public relations specializations.


Course Objectives

  • To provide an overview of the purpose of public relations and the process practitioners use to communicate with an organization’s strategic audiences.
  • To review the evolution of public relations in the United States by analyzing the progression from a strategic communication to a strategic management function.
  • To develop your problem-solving skills by critically analyzing current trends in public relations, including research and evaluation, event management, and social networking.
  • To practice developing and applying strategy and communication tactics based on a sound understanding of public relations concepts and theory.
  • To examine how the public relations process is carried out by various specializations, such as fundraising, government relations, crisis communications, and international affairs.

Admission Requirements

Any applicant who meets the minimum entry requirements for admission into the University may be granted admission, the requirements are :

  • An A’ Level Certificate (a Degree, HND or PGD) with 2:2, Lower credit, or Pass respectively and above.
  • Transcript of the A’Level result.
  • Copy of International Passport data page.
  • A copy of CV.


To register for any of the available courses take the following steps

  • Click on courses on the menu bar or apply now button to pick a course
  • After selecting the course, click apply now to add to cart
  • View the cart to fill the application form
  • Submit the form to go to the payment page
  • Complete the payment form and select method of payment and submit.
  • You will receive an email letting you know of your registration and your application status
  • You will be contacted by one of our admission team member to guide you on the admission.
  • After making the payment of application fee admission letter will be sent to your email with fee structure.
  • You will need to make payment of at least 70% of the tuition and acceptance fee for you to be granted access to the course applied for.
  • After making the payment an email will be sent to your email with access link to your registered course.
  • You study online and can come to school every semester for exams.


Tuition per Session

Tuition Fee = 480,000

Application = 10,000

Acceptance = 20,000

Course kit =₦30,000

Administrative Charges = 60,000

Project supervision = 20,000

Convocation = 40,000

Total = ₦660,000


Analysis Module specialized Public Clients, Unions, Suppliers, Financial Institutions

The Evolving Financial Landscape

Historically, the promise of poverty alleviation through microcredit was tied primarily to one product—the productive loan invested in a microenterprise—delivered primarily by one type of provider—a microfinance institution (MFI). Yet reality belies the premise of this model: clients do not always use loans for productive purposes; they have either limited capacity to use investment credit or more pressing needs for products that support consumption or income smoothing. Today, there is broad recognition that access to capital is only one of the inputs required for economic development and poverty alleviation. Furthermore, there is wide acknowledgment that the poor, like anyone, require and use a variety of financial services for a variety of purposes. And some of these services work better than others, for reasons we are just beginning to understand.



No matter how it is measured, the number of people without access to financial services is very large indeed. In 1976, when Muhammad Yunus in Bangladesh started the experiment that led to the Grameen Bank, he focused on the very poor. As microfinance grew, it attracted the “economically active poor,” people who might be expected to take loans to run a small business, for example. More recently with the drive for “financial inclusion,” attention has turned to the “unbanked” poor—poor people not using formal financial services of any sort (including microfinance, sometimes referred to as “semiformal” services). Just over half of the world’s adult population is unbanked, most of them poor: In Africa, four out of five adults are unbanked, and in South Asia, three out of five (Chaia et al. 2009). In rich countries, by contrast, fewer than one in ten adults lacks a formal means to save or to borrow (Chaia et al. 2009).1 All these numbers—of the extremely poor, the moderately poor, and the unbanked poor—dwarf the number of clients already served by microfinance, estimated at 190 million at the end of 2009 (Microcredit Campaign Summit 2011).



Planning, monitoring and evaluation for development results

Good planning, monitoring and evaluation enhance the contribution of UNDP by establishing clear links between past, present and future initiatives and development results. Monitoring and evaluation can help an organization extract relevant information from past and ongoing activities that can be used as the basis for programmatic fine-tuning, reorientation and future planning. Without effective planning, monitoring and evaluation, it would be impossible to judge if work is going in the right direction, whether progress and success can be claimed, and how future efforts might be improved.


Planning for results: Practical applications

This chapter provides step-by-step guidance on how to undertake planning for results. It focuses on the tasks involved in planning for desired results and includes considerations for operationalizing results. As noted in Box 1, monitoring and evaluation are closely related to planning. Therefore in planning it is essential to bear in mind not only intended results, but also how results, and the process of achieving them, will be monitored and evaluated. In particular, planning needs to ensure that planned initiatives are evaluation-ready.

Planning can be done in many different ways. This chapter is designed to make the persons involved in planning more comfortable with the main steps involved in preparing a plan that can be implemented, monitored and evaluated. The steps and approaches recommended apply generally to all planning processes, whether for a global, regional or country programme; a project; or a unit work plan.This chapter is not intended to provide detailed instructions on preparing specific plans but rather to present the core approaches and steps generally involved in planning. At points, it will provide guidance for planning programmes and projects within the context of UNDP. However, for specific instructions on what is required for each UNDP planning document, the user should consult POPP.


Planning for monitoring and evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation serve several purposes. In the absence of effective monitoring and evaluation, it would be difficult to know whether the intended results are being achieved as planned, what corrective action may be needed to ensure delivery of the intended results, and whether initiatives are making positive contributions towards human development. Monitoring and evaluation always relate to pre-identified results in the development plan. They are driven by the need to account for the achievement of intended results and provide a fact base to inform corrective decision making. They are an essential management tool to support the UNDP commitment to accountability for results, resources entrusted to it, and organizational learning. Furthermore, both feed into the overall programme management processes and make an essential contribution to the ability to manage for development results.

Monitoring, as well as evaluation, provides opportunities at regular predetermined points to validate the logic of a programme, its activities and their implementation and to make adjustments as needed. Good planning and designs alone do not ensure results. Progress towards achieving results needs to be monitored. Equally, no amount of good monitoring alone will correct poor programme designs, plans and results. Information from monitoring needs to be used to encourage improvements or reinforce plans. Information from systematic monitoring also provides critical input to evaluation. It is very difficult to evaluate a programme that is not well designed and that does not systematically monitor its progress.


Science of public Relations


Communication programme consists of message, media and budget. The word communication is
derived from the Latin communis, meaning “common.” The purpose of communication is to
establish a commonness. The basic elements in communication are the source or sender, the
message, and the destination or receiver. Effective communication requires efficiency on the part
of all three. The communicator must use a channel that will carry the message to the receiver.
The message must be within the receiver’s capacity to comprehend. The message must motivate
the receiver’s self-interest and cause him or her to respond. Communicators need to bear in mind that communication is no substitute for policy and action. A sender can encode a message and a
receiver decode it only in terms of their own experience and knowledge. When there has been no
common experience, then communication becomes virtually impossible. Commonness in
communication is essential to link people and purpose together in any cooperative system.



•= Choose positive rather than passive headline
•= First paragraph should be sharp and crisp.
•= Prepare small paragraphs.
•= Avoid superfluous expressions.
•= Avoid uncommon words.

•= Avoid jargon and the use of initials.
•= Check the spelling of people and place names.
•= Type on one side in double spacing and leave a good margin.
•= Better give, one page 25lines write up.
•= Check the appearance of the information and make it attractive.
•= Put the date & time and mention contact person and telephone number for clarifications if



Image is the mental perceptions of the person related to an Object, a Product, Service, an
individual or an organisation. The image need not necessarily true and image is only an indication
that how a person perceived by the other(s). The organisations do have an image in the minds of
public, customer, employee, Government or for that matter in any interested group. Some
organisation enjoys from favourable image, where some organisation do not enjoy such a
favourable image. The image is beneficial for organisations for achieving their objective. There
are many images viz., Friendly, Speedy, Honest, Corruptive, Efficient, etc. Though we can not say which is a right image or wrong image, we can say some image are favourable to an
organisation for achieving its objective with relative easiness.



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