A lot of students worry about how to come to the Benin Republic from Nigeria, and this article will explain how to do so in detail.
To begin, as a prospective student who has been accepted to one of the universities in the Republic of Benin, or who may wish to know how to come to the Benin Republic as a student or in-person to make an application from Nigeria.
It is also advisable that you have a plan for getting to the Republic of Benin. Students who do not take a direct bus or car from Nigeria to Cotonou will require a more detailed map of how to get to Benin.
Wherever you are in Nigeria, whether in the north, east, west, or south, all you have to do is get to Lagos. Tell the driver you want to be dropped off at mile 2.
Second, as you approach mile 2, you’ll notice a variety of cars and buses calling for passengers on the right side of the road.
If this is a difficult task, you should seek assistance from roadside vendors. Car charges from mile 2 to the SEME boundary are typically in the range of 1000 to 2000 naira.
Never be complacent when it comes to ensuring the safety of your luggage throughout the journey. As a result, you should pay close attention as we describe how to come to the Benin Republic as a student from Nigeria. Mile 2 to the Seme border takes about 2 hours with traffic; on a bad day, make sure to start your journey early to avoid traffic.
Students appear perplexed and even hesitant to move to the Republic of Benin since the closure of the Seme border.
Know that the border is only closed against products, not people. Individuals may cross the border with or without a visa.
Only the import of commodities, even those for which customs duties have already been paid, has been prohibited.
Even the border gate now closes at 6 p.m. This means that after 6 p.m., no one will be allowed to pass in any direction.
So, try to begin your journey as soon as possible.
Apart from the main border gate, other routes are often used by people to cross the border, especially after closing time.
These are village bush tracks that are dangerous to travel on at night. Meanwhile, please keep this in mind if you are unable to cross the border by 6 p.m. for any reason.
Don’t cross the border; instead, stay in a hotel in Badagry or wherever you are and resume your journey the next day. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
When you arrive at the border, please make note that your car or bus will stop at the Conoil filling station on the right side of the road at the Seme border.
For students who do not have an international passport, when you exit the vehicle, get a good bike (the good ones have some kind of ID card) and cross the Republic of Benin.
The bike rider is supposed to take you to a park where you will follow a car heading to Cotonou. Students with international passports will only need to walk down to the main gate and purchase a passport stamp, which will cost between 500 and 1,000 Naira, before entering the park.
Please keep in mind that your money must be converted from naira to cfa.
You can get the current exchange rate from the LEADPRENEUR ACADEMY front desk.
NOTE: You must change the amount of money you will use for personal expenses. YOU SHOULD NEVER CHANGE YOUR TUITION FEE.
The tuition fee will be charged in Nigerian NGN. Learn more about school fees. Following a currency exchange, it is critical that you locate a SIM card store and purchase a SIM card to allow you to communicate with Leadpreneur academy consult for more information.
Finally, you can take a taxi to Cotonou from the station, which should cost between 1,000 and 3,000 CFA. Tell the driver to pull over to TUNDE MOTORS “MOOV AFRICA.” Cabs often take a long time to fill up with passengers, so students who don’t have a lot of luggage prefer to ride their bikes. The cost ranges between 1,000 and 2,000 CFA.
Always discuss and agree on a price before boarding a cab or bike; don’t get on a bike without first agreeing on a price.
Always keep some loose change on hand.
To summarize, now that you know how to come to Benin Republic as a student from Nigeria, it is critical that you stay in touch and interact with the representative of LEADPRENEUR ACADEMY at every step of the way to avoid being duped or confused at any point.
Please contact us.
Bienvenue à Cotonou
